Level 4 learners will develop advanced knowledge of BSL structure and be able to understand and use varied BSL in a variety of work and social situations. It is designed for people who work with, or, would like to work within the deaf community or deaf organisations and also for learners who want to expand their knowledge and skills in BSL.

Level 4 is divided into 3 Units:

- 4ASS1

- 4ASS2

- 4ASS3

Added to this, students will be expected to produce coursework that consists of 3 video recordings. These will be filmed informal conversations held with a competent BSL user and linked to Level 4 topics. Teacher and Candidate Feedback Forms for each of the recordings will be completed for evaluation.

6 topics are covered in Level 4, these are:

Employment and Business

- Education

- Health and Wellbeing

- Society and Politics

- Science and Technology

- Media and Culture


- 4ASS1 Presentation - to achieve this unit the student will deliver a presentation to their teacher on a chosen topic. 3 topics will be provided by Signature and the student must choose 1 out of the 3. The student must be able to use BSL to convey information linked to their topic using correct BSL grammar, formation and vocabulary.

- 4ASS2 Conversation - to achieve this unit the student will engage in a conversation with their teacher on a chosen topic sent by Signature. A choice of 3 topics will be provided and the student must choose 1. The student must show good use of BSL grammar, sign pace, turn taking and vocabulary linked to their topic.

- 4ASS3 Receptive - to achieve this unit students must show that they can understand BSL used in presentations and conversation on Level 4 topics being delivered at a normal pace. Students are expected to write their answers in English onto their exam papers and then transfer these to the online format to be submitted to ‘Signature’.

The assessments include video recorded conversation and presentation with a qualified BSL teacher and the assessment fees are included in the course price.

Assessments can be face to face or online via Zoom.

Successful candidates will be awarded a Level 4 certificate in BSL, issued by ‘Signature’.